My Beloved Self


My Beloved Self,

Pour your sacred breath 

in to the parts of your heart 

that are hurting

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Actively allow 

your own love 

from your own source 

to fill the spaces 

void of happiness

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Melt away 

the sorrow and fear 

you find hidden 

in the crevices

carved by those 

who did not honor

your love

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Give your cells 

so much affection

and so much joy 

by sharing with yourself 

that part of you 

you readily give to others

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your breath is sacred

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Your laughter is infectious

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Your smile alone lifts up

an entire room

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Breathe in the peace 

you provide to others!

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You radiate abundant affection

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You give unconditional compassion

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You have unwavering faith 

in the success 

that can be had

when partners commit

to one another

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You strive always for justice

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You are honest 

and loyal

and steadfast

and trustworthy

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You have integrity beyond measure

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You are kind and have clear vision

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My beloved self,

bestow these gifts upon yourself 

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and watch your dreams come true.

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Namaste and Blessed Be.

~ Twinkle

A love letter to me, for me, from me.

 November 3rd, 2014