Tag Archives: new moon blessing

New Moon in Cancer

Each New Moon is a time we dedicate to explore our UU 7th Principle and Pagan Path in connection with the sixth source we draw our Unitarian Universalist faith from.  It is a wonderful time to check in with where we are at on our spiritual paths, and where we want to be going.  

The practice of honoring the New Moon cycle helps us align our lives with that which we feel most called to.

Some have worked hard at healing – others have been stuck in would-be healing patterns – it is time to release all of these and simply move forward in the embodiment of love.  The New Moon on July 4th is the ideal time to do just so.

Forever Conscious offers some insights as to how to surrender stuck patterns and embrace the path of love.

Mystic Mamma also offers advice on how to attune to one’s intuition. As well as in understanding such Divine Wisdom as stated by Elias Longsdale:

The blessing is what happens when you let go of the need, the pressure, the idea that it has to be a certain way. For there is a gift in being all ways and no particular way at all.

and too the importance of:

Seeing each point of view as valid. Listening attentively to all the voices as they reveal the many sides of the way it is.


The Power Path says release past worries and increase self care:

It is time to move on from all of it, to put yourself first, to forgive others and to allow the transformation that wants to happen to begin to unfold.

Be patient with others, accommodate them in your life, care for yourself. … And spend time in water.

May you immerse in the watery depths of peace and calmness during this new moon phase.

Let your intuition be attuned to listening to your inner knowings while paying attention to the manifestation of outward signs.

There is much grace to be instilled in this new moon.

Float and flow with the motions of gentle, loving energies.

Seek your Soul’s trusted companions and allow your connection to be blessed in Truth, Kindness and Love.

