Tag Archives: new moon ritual

We Gathered to celebrate: SOLAR ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Virgo

New Moon altar 9 13 15 crop

We celebrated another beautiful New Moon ritual at Twinkle’s Place last night.  Combined with the partial Solar Eclipse, the new moon in Virgo gave us opportunity to align our inner and outer understandings about how we are both able to be strong individuals as well as valuable inter-connected partners with those closest to us in family and community. From major shifts in healing (physical, emotional & karmic), beginning (enriching, nourishing endeavors) and completing patterns (habits that may have us negatively locked), including most especially our relationships, this New Moon truly signified an opportunity to mindfully evolve toward our highest good, and the good of all in our lives.

For more detailed information, we defer to the Mystic Mamma and her cadre of experts:


And for practical application of all things human, I encourage you to read this brief note from Seth:


For information about where we draw our UU faith from:

