Tag Archives: state of maine

Response to Partial Government Shutdown in State of Maine

Relief efforts are being put in place to help those impacted by the State of Maine’s partial government shutdown.

Below is a memo posted by State Senator Shenna Bellows.

To the state workers in my district who cannot sleep tonight because they literally do not know where their next paycheck is coming from:

1. If you need food, contact me. We will not let anyone go hungry during this time.
2. If you need credit to meet a bill, the State of Maine Credit Union has announced a zero percent loan to replace paychecks in this time.https://www.mainestatecu.org/…/state-of-maine-employee-loan/
3. If you need temporary employment, there is at least one local farmer offering temporary work to help with planting.
4. If you need childcare or summer programming, the Boys and Girls Club is floating the children of state workers for free in these weeks.
5. If you need anything at all, email me at shenna.bellows@legislature.maine.gov, and I will do my best to help you find options.

And I will be in the legislature every day until the small group of radical House Republicans come to their senses. I voted for a budget I hated because I believe that people should not have to suffer for the ideological purity of a few. And yet people will suffer. I am so very sorry.

Governor LePage’s message:

governor state services PDF