Tag Archives: uu hope springs

embrace life even in the face of darkness

Somedays you just need a little extra encouragement and turning towards someone who has followed his passion – and lost it, only to move towards a new calling even more passionately, is such a blessing.

Rev. David Ruffin’s story is inspirational.  From theatre stage to church pulpit, he has captured the hearts and minds of many.
This morning for all those experiencing loss and transition, and for those who face depression as a familiar part of their experience, I encourage you to read his words.

“I remember pouring over inspirational books. I found few answers, but I did find friends:

Parker Palmer assured me that feelings of depression were not only normal but a gift that ­could lead me deeper and help ‘let my life speak.’

Kahlil Gibran reframed my present pain as something that was carving space for future joy.

Mary Oliver proclaimed her gospel: ‘You do not have to be good.’

And Rainer Maria Rilke urged patience ‘with everything unresolved in (my) heart…​to love the questions themselves.’

Most importantly, I learned I had good company in struggling to find my way….

…..Still, was it my purpose?”

read Dave’s full essay, here:
