the triage of grief

They sat with me for hours in this spot. Sometimes talking. Much of the time just being still, gazing at Autumn’s tranquil beauty and listening to the sounds of the Lake. 

For some this may look like healing. 

I know with experienced certainty it is not. 

Not yet. 

This, this is the perpetual triage of raw grief. 

Keep the body still.

Regulate the breath.

Quiet the mind.

Assess the wound.

Allow tears, laughter or lethargy to come.

Keep in check the anger.

When there is energy, do something useful, purposeful.

Ardently cradle the sorrow when it assails.


We are each processing Riley’s death in ways we can. Thank you to everyone who has brought us meals, and sent us cards, and held me in your arms or with your spirit. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your love. You are a blessing to us, to me. Thank you.

~ Twinkle
