Awaken Feel the Shift

Awaken Feel the Shift movie screening in Salem, MA, followed by one-on-one interviews with Rita Rivera Fox and Danisa Perry in Marblehead, MA


On Saturday, October 9th TV for Your Soul team covered the events!  

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Friends gather and unite.  Twinkle’s friends and TV for Your Soul colleagues:

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Jeannette Kearney, Twinkle Marie Manning, Martha Kilcoyne, Julie Matheson

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Rita and crew Awaken

TV for Your Soul‘s Marblehead-based television show Body, Mind & Spirit captured the event.

Body, Mind & Spirit Guest Host Meghan Gilroy interviewed the Director/Producer Danisa Perry

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Megan interviewing Danisa, then joined by Twinkle(Executive Producer) and Tonya (PA)

DanisaMeghanRita up front

Danisa, Meghan & Rita at the front of room fielding questions from audience.

Various photos during and after Awaken Workshop in Marblehead:

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NOTE: UPDATE – In 2012/13 Danisa revised her film and the title to reflect it: Awaken Soul to Soul.