Poems & Prayers

the triage of grief

New Year’s Blessing

You, having died, Changed Everything

Every Year Like Clockwork

Nineteen Years Ago

Heart Glows

Let Our Lights Shine Brightly

The Peaceable People

Emergent Green

Not to Be Extinguished

Deep in the Forest

Be Like the Trees

Councils Revisited

He Beckoned Me Forward

the reconciliation of Oneness

Mine and Dante’s Autumn Songs (My Cailleach Autumn Song)

Nature’s Last Gold

Trees a brighter color-guard

Morning by the River

Morning Dove

Colors of June

June’s Calling

Holy Love

Pray. Wait. Trust.

A Time for Everything

Last Star I See Tonight

Election Day Mantra

Inauguration Day Poem and Prayer

Ever Expanding Altar of the Dead

The Dark Season

Yuletide Blessing

They ask if I want to see your body

Circling but never reaching Silence

Aesop’s Beguiling Invitation

When Goodbye Looks Like an Ordinary Day

Tangled Sheets

Hollow Place

Howling Winds Shall Cease

My Beloved Self

shower tears

Sample Utility

centrifugal forces renounced

Your scent is fading quickly

May we be free


Be Peace

Beauty (a poem to remember those who lost their battle with Depression)

Beauty. Bench. Beholder.

Beauty is Born

Beauty Appearing

She Stood There

Om Tara Tu Tara – liberation meditation

The Afterward

Soul Retrieval (Meditation/Responsive Reading)

4/6/2017: Over the next few months, will gather old writings from other blogs and place under Poems here. As well as add links to Twinkle’s newer writings, poems, musings, blessings, prayers and sermons. For Twinkle’s services and sermons, visit here; for Musings, visit here. There are decades of material to add, if you are seeking something specific, please email: TwinkleManning@gmail.com