2024 Pay it Forward Service

Friends, tomorrow is Global Pay it Forward Day AND National Blueberry Pie Day!
Join us in person if you can at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Waterville, Maine
69 Silver Street
Sunday, April 28th, 2024
10:00 am

You can also join via Zoom…though you will miss out on the pie 😉
www.uucwaterville.com (zoom link is on front page of website)

Theme: “Human-Kind: Celebrating Our Humanity”

Our Thought for Contemplation this week is:
“Nobody has ever measured,
not even poets,
how much the heart can hold.”
— Zelda Fitzgerald


A Chant in preparation for Earth Day

Twinkle shared this chant in today’s UU Waterville church service during the “Dirt Communion” in preparation for Earth Day.

I am the Earth in the air I breathe
I am the Earth in the water stream
I am the Earth in the fire’s heat
I am the Earth in my heart beat
I am the Earth in her wildest seas
I am the Earth in her springtime dreams
I am the Earth in her falling leaves
I am the Earth when moonlight gleams


Programs Update – March 2024

Hi Friends,

Just a quick note to let you know that Twinkle’s Place has sent in a grant request this month. If we receive the grant, we will be able to immediately offer three of our favorite programs: 


“Sacred Sisterhood Retreat”


“Shadow and Light Retreat”

We will keep you posted. In the meantime, know that if you have requested these, you are already on the list. And feel free to message again should you wish to confirm, or to add yourself to our waitlist!