Monthly Archives: September 2016

New Moon – Black Moon

This New Moon in Libra is about inner peace and balance. The Black Moon encourages us to find hope and meaning, gaining clarity and a sense of direction.  Assuring those willing to listen: Life is only as complicated as you choose it to be.  


When we are attuned to the cycles of the Earth, Nature’s support of us is made evident even more so at these intersections of lunar time. Once you choose your direction, life adjusts to your course.  But you must choose, else you succumb to limbo so evident in today’s societies.

September’s second new moon is an opportunity to look at the areas of our lives where more balance is needed. It also shines a light to reveal those near to us who are willing to walk paths of combined inner peace with us. The recognition and acceptance of such ones allows us access to great measures of peace.  

We are reminded that every moment is an opportunity to begin again. Be willing to hold a space of love and acceptance and therein you will discover the kind of magick this world (inner and outer) is made of.


For more information on the relevance of this New (Black) Moon, visit:

Rare Black Moon Rising In Scorpio: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On September 30, 2016

NEW MOON in Libra September 30th / October 1st 2016~

The theme for October 2016 is BALANCE~


Harvest Moon*Lunar Eclipse

full moon eclipse 1
“Magick find me
In the heart of the 
Harvest Moon’s light
Shadow the River as your eclipse gives way to freedom.”
Each cycle and phase of the Moon grants us an opportunity to pause, pay attention, and receive grace.

For more information and resources about this year’s Harvest Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Friday, September 16th, visit Mystic Mamma, Magical Winds, Witchery and The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

For a lesson in Moon-lore, visit The Magic of the Moon and CUUPS: Humanist Pagan, and additional information on holding Esbats and other rituals, visit Pagan Wiccan and UUWR.

September 11th Church Services

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First Universalist Church of Sangerville & Dover-Foxcroft service is dedicated to the anniversary of the tragic events of September 11th.  Join us at 9:30AM to share and listen and be in community together!

Other Service Options we recommend:

If you would prefer a quieter way of honoring this day, Reverend Scott Jones will be hosting a silent vigil at the First Universalist Church of Dexter at 9:00AM.

For those desiring to participate in a traditional UU Water Communion, Waterville UU and the UU Society of Bangor are each hosting Water Communions at 10:00AM.

And, the Church of the Larger Fellowship hosts an online service at 8:00PM EDT – if you would like to join Twinkle in her home for this service, please email her directly – or simple tune in online from the comfort of your home.