Hollow Place

hollow place

Hollow place

just below the surface

of my heart

witches sun

What are you trying to tell me

What emotion do you serve

witches sun

What direction are you pointing

What motive makes you ascend

or do you descend

is it the grayness

is it the dark season

is it something more

or less

witches sun

What is an ache

that is not an ache

witches sun

What turbulence rises within me

What language do you speak

That I cannot translate

your meaning

or your origin

witches sun

Where has the fullness and light gone

That once radiated with such certainty

is it only resting

to sort things out

witches sun

Hollow place

just below the surface

of my heart

witches sun

Deliver me unto a place

of understanding

witches sun


February 13, 2016