Four Years

It has been four years since my sister took this picture. Four years since we were called to the hospital. Four years since we prayed in desperation to Gods that not all of us believe in. Four years since we asked everyone we knew to pray with us. And, by “pray”- I mean beg, bargain and plead to any and all unseen forces that may take pity upon us and change this tragic course that was unfolding swiftly in dazed slow motion. Four years since we waited vigil by his bedside for four days for good news that would never come. Four years since we had to say goodbye to this earth angel. Four years since all our lives were devastated by the loss of Riley. Four years and the anguish still accompanies this week like an unrelenting shadow even in the noontime sun. Four years.











Riley Dai June 9th, 1997-September 20th, 2019