Mother’s Day 2018

Yesterday’s Mother’s Day I was pampered by my loves in the morning. They made me breakfast and served it to me in bed. The entire day was filled with relaxation and fun, in nature, with friends, with my loves, and with new family.  Life on Lancey Street is beautiful. Our gardens are beginning to bloom, our children’s laughter can be heard in the air. Our friendships keep deepening and our circle keeps growing. Last night, after a day of all of us Moms being able to rest and simply enjoy the day, 17 of us gathered to share dinner together. Then at the end of the evening walked across the street to our homes, satisfied and happy. My wish for the world is that everyone is able to experience and live in this kind of beloved community.  My wish is that everyone is able to love and be loved.  And to let go of the tethers to anything that prevents this to come into being. There are reasons for which I will hold the telling of in other postings, but Yesterday’s Mother’s Day was a first. I have been a mother for 26 years. In all that time I have never once really celebrated Mother’s Day. Nor, been truly celebrated on Mother’s Day in such unequivocal ways by those who reside with me. Until yesterday. For this and a thousand more things, I am grateful. I accept this gift of change. I accept this time of loving and being loved.