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My Religion is Kindness

As an interfaith minister, my spirituality and my religious practices and awarenesses draw from many paths. Tara Brach’s weekly class is part of my spiritual calendar.

This is the first part of her Kindness lesson. I will post the second part here as soon as it is available. <3 #TaraBrach

Dear Winter

Dear Winter,

Welcome!  Your arrival is evident by the silver thaw that greets us this morning.

I bid you a request, if you will consider it please:

If you would set your low at this temperature this year, I would really appreciate it.

Really! You know 20° as opposed to -20° ❄

Seriously, we take you seriously at 20° – you are a force to be reckoned with and we admire your power… so, no need to go overboard this year. OK?

Oh… and, and Maybe, just maybe, not deposit 5 feet of snow at one time this year, and definitely not three consecutive storms of multiple feet of snow with only a few days shoveling-time in-between each. Yes – let’s try that.

Let’s try it for this year and get together over hot-chocolate in March to say goodbye.  Oh, yes, (P.S.) if you could depart by mid-March this year to make room for our next guest, Spring, I know you would gain many, many friends.

Just sayin, please consider it.

For this year.

Thank you.

~ Twinkle

Memorial for Rev. Jerry Goddard

My friend Jan lost her father and our UU faith lost a much beloved minister:
Rev. Jerry Goddard.
Reflecting on Unitarian Universalism in 1990, Rev. Goddard shared this lovely vision:
“I believe the liberal church is a community for the whole person. It is a place where we can find fellowship and friends, ethical values and inspiration; a place where we can find and give love and caring. It is a place where we can share ideas and be a part of the eternal quest for “truth.” … The liberal church also must be a witness in the community and the world for justice, peace, love and compassion. It must inspire people to live and work for a world in which life can be lived with dignity in freedom and without injustice everywhere.”
May it be so.  And may each of us live into this vision.
A memorial service will take place at 11am on Saturday, November 18 at First Parish in Concord, 20 Lexington Rd, Concord, MA 01742, following which guests are invited to gather with the family in the Parish Hall.